The Story
Huellas: Impressions Through Movement was born in 2011 while I spent the year in Sevilla studying two very distinct art forms: fine art printmaking and flamenco dance. Printmaking is the design and production of tangible, replicable two-dimensional images. Flamenco dance, or baile, is a culturally-specific expression of movement, music and rhythm that is stimulating yet fleeting. Despite their obvious differences both artistic mediums make an impression physically, visually and emotionally. Huellas (footprints) seeks to explore both mediums of artistic expression by imprinting each baile graphically and metaphorically -- translating a dancer's raw, ephemeral movement into the abstracted shapes, textures, lines and patterns of print.
The Process
By creating a matrix made of soft balsa wood on which collaborators dance a choreography, a favorite llamada, remate, or footwork pattern, I record their footprints using a process called 'relief.' The matrix is then printed -- inking the positive space surrounding the impressions -- while the un-inked negative space directs the viewer's eye through the dancer's movement. The print is then deconstructed, abstracted and rebuilt using additional techniques and materials reflecting the individual dancer's style, personality and presence.